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Puzzle on time 1.42
Three-level puzzle in time. Exercise your memory and concentration.
Quiz Kolejowy po polsku 1.19
Rail quiz for fans of the Polish railways.
FigBall - touch-skill arcade g
FigBall Free - touch-skill arcade game
Andrzejkowe wróżby 1.02
Tradycja wróżenia w Andrzejkisięga,prawdopodobnie czasów pogańskich. Pierwsze informacja owróżbachandrzejkowych, pojawiła się już w 1555 roku. Najbardziejpopularnąwróżbą Andrzejkową jest lanie wosku. Do wróżenia potrzebnajestmiska z wodą i świeczka. Jednak w XXI wieku możnarównieżprzeprowadzić wróżenie za pomocą komputera czy tabletu.Poniższaaplikacja Andrzejkowa umożliwia wirtualne wróżenie. Niechwylanykształt przepowie Twoją przyszłość….The traditionofdivination in St. Andrew goes back probably to pagan times.Thefirst information about the charms andrzejkowych, havingappearedin 1555. The most popular St. Andrew's fortune is lostwax.Divination need a bowl of water and a candle. However, inthetwenty-first century can also be performed divination usingacomputer or tablet. This application enables virtually StAndrewdivination. Let poured prophesy shape your future ....
Freesur 8 bit retro game
8bit Freesur - adventure platformer.
Tarot Pro
Tarot Pro - Ask your question with the Tarot card.
Tarot Free
Full Tarot 78 cards - Free app The full tarot deck has 78 cards,and each of them has its own unique appearance and symbolism. TheTarot system that you can use in our application consists of threecards - it is one of the most frequently used distributions. Beforeyou draw 3 cards, think carefully and ask Tarot cards and only draw3 cards. Learn the message, suggestions that Tarot has prepared foryou. Think about the meaning of randomly drawn cards to avoidunpleasant surprises that may happen in your life. With 78 cardsyou will also know the answer related to past events that arealready behind you at the moment. You will see what events oremotions are important at present and what may be ahead of you inthe near or distant future. Tarot will not change future events,but it can help prepare you for them. Tarot is a good entertainmentfor fortune-telling enthusiasts, which forces you to reflect, butremember only you have the greatest impact on your life.Application in English, German, Polish and Spanish.
Tarot po polsku
Tarot card after polsku.Twoja day - Predictions online. TarocistkaKaren invites.
Puzzle Free 1.0
Puzzle for free "Autumn in Poland". The puzzle on time, four levels